Saturday, February 6, 2016

UNIT 2: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP)

       Definitions  :  

                              GDP(gross domestic product)
It is the total market value of all final goods and services. Produced within a country’s borders in a given year.

                                GNP (gross national product)
It is the total market value of all final goods and services by citizens of that country on its land or foreign land.

What is included in GDP?
c- personal consumption expenditures. (65%)
Ig- gross private domestic.(17%)
-factory equipment maintenance.
-new factor equipment
-construction of housing.
-unsold inventory of products built in a year.
G- Government spending (20%).
XN- net exports (exports – imports).(-20%)

What’s not included
1.      Intermediate goods- goods that require further processing before they are ready for final use.(backpack strap)
2.      Used or second hand goods.
-avoid double counting.
3. Purely financial transaction: such as stocks and bonds.
-does not involve the production of a good or service. It is merely a transfer of assets. (it is not durable).
4.  Illegal activity (drugs).
5. Unreported business activities. (Unreported tips)
6. Transfer payments. (Money coming from government).
    -public (social security, welfare)
     -private (scholarship)
7. None market activity:
    -Baby sitting.

    - performing work for one self. (Fixing the roof of one’s house)

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