Saturday, February 6, 2016

UNIT 2: Budget, Trade, National Income, Disposable national income.

         Compensation of employers: this includes wages, salaries, fringe benefits, social security contributions, health and pension plans.

Disposable Personal Income
National Income – Personal Household Taxes + Government Transfer Payments.

Budget = Government Purchases of goods and services + Government transfer payments – Government Tax & Fee collection
+ = deficit
-  = surplus

Trade = Export – Import
+ = surplus
- = deficit

        There are two ways to calculating National Income.

National Income = compensation of employees + Rental Income + Interest Income + Corporate Profit + Proprietors Income
National Income = GDP – Indirect Business Taxes – Depreciation – Net Foreign Factor Payment

Net Domestic Product (NDP)
GDP – Depreciation (Consumption of Fixed Capital)

Net National Product (NNP)
GNP – Depreciation

 GDP + Net Foreign Factor Payment

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